Sometimes change is the last thing your business needs.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, this small business in Birmingham, Alabama is thriving by resisting the urge to make changes. Eagle’s Restaurant opened for business in 1951. That year the average US family income was $3700 per year and the first tests for Color Television Pictures were broadcast from Empire State Building. Owned and operated by the […]

7 killer moves to boost efficiency and have fun at work

Here’s how to enjoy your team, your work, and higher profits. Every business struggles with how to improve efficiency throughout its existence. Of course, that’s because the rewards of increased efficiency are savings of time and money, which leads to higher profits. Did you happen to watch the NCAA Women’s National Championship game between UConn […]

How to use content to solve pain points of veterinarians.

Vendors of veterinary products, marketing agencies, animal health product and service organizations, freelance content writers, website designers and more have the ability to ease pain points of the evolving veterinary medical profession. The barrier standing in the way is often a lack of awareness and understanding by veterinarians. Our skills as marketing professionals put us […]

5 Pain points successful marketers know about veterinarians

  Every marketer understands the importance of knowing what we call “pain points” that our prospects wrestle with in their business life. For those who market to veterinarians, here is some insight written by a retired veterinary practice owner. Veterinary medicine has experienced tumultuous changes over the past two decades, and pain points for practitioners […]

How to make 2016 the best year ever

  Use these tools to ensure 2016 is the best year your practice has ever experienced. Leaders (owners) of veterinary practices everywhere are hungry for ways to make 2016 their best year ever. Veterinary professionals who own veterinary practices depend on upward trends to maintain a healthy business. Everyone in the veterinary community agrees that […]